I am so sad to say that Fusion beads in Seattle is closing their doors at the end of September. They will still have their on line store, but the brick and mortar store will no longer be. For me this is a loss of, not only a wonderful store and staff..but also a local place that I have been able to teach at for so many years. So sad......
So what is next.....to be honest I'm not sure. At the moment I am in a bit of a whirl wind....sold my house....need to find another....get moved in and settled....so as it stands I will be looking for another place to call home for my classes after the first of the year. If anyone has any suggestions or requests let me know where you would like to take local classes from me.
Until then...stay tuned to my blog....I promise to be better about keeping things up to date! Friend me on Facebook....just be aware I am opinionated about my politics.....or email me at Tracyastanley@hotmail.com and I will keep you informed on what is happening!
Hope to see you in the future!! Tracy